Preserving the Usefulness of Antibiotics in Human and Animal Medicine – Flier

Preserving the Usefulness of Antibiotics in Human and Animal Medicine – Topics & Speakers

Recording of morning session

Recording of afternoon session


Epidemiology of antibiotic resistant infections in SD (Josh Clayton, SD DOH)

Antimicrobial resistance in animals (Russ Daly, SDSU)

Antibiotic use in South Dakota livestock: A veterinary practitioner’s perspective (Darrel Kraayenbrink, Platte Veterinary Hospital)

Antibiotic use in community/primary care (Curtis Young, SF Family Practice)

Novel preclinical approaches to treat resistant and persistent bacterial strains (Josh Reineke, SDSU)

Antibiotic use in companion animals (Tom Rentschler, Tea Veterinary Clinic)

Antibiotic stewardship: An infectious disease perspective (Jennifer Hsu, USD)

Antibiotic research and stewardship in Midwestern hog farms (Joel Nerem, Pipestone Veterinary)

Antimicrobial stewardship in a large hospital and health system settings (Brad Laible, Avera)

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