Preserving the Usefulness of Antibiotics in Human and Animal Medicine – Flier
Preserving the Usefulness of Antibiotics in Human and Animal Medicine – Topics & Speakers
Recording of afternoon session
Epidemiology of antibiotic resistant infections in SD (Josh Clayton, SD DOH)
Antimicrobial resistance in animals (Russ Daly, SDSU)
Antibiotic use in community/primary care (Curtis Young, SF Family Practice)
Antibiotic use in companion animals (Tom Rentschler, Tea Veterinary Clinic)
Antibiotic stewardship: An infectious disease perspective (Jennifer Hsu, USD)
Antibiotic research and stewardship in Midwestern hog farms (Joel Nerem, Pipestone Veterinary)
Antimicrobial stewardship in a large hospital and health system settings (Brad Laible, Avera)